
Cheap car rental throughout Brazil: Prices from R$39

Want to know how to buy car rentals from R$39.00 in the best places? Continue reading and enjoy every step of these places! See now.


Cheap car rental in Brazil from R$39

aluguel de carro barato
Your dream car could be with you today! – Source: Freepik

Being able to rent a car very cheaply can be a slight problem for some people and a big one for others. Still, it is necessary to always be informed of market offers.

However, there are some difficulties that may exist along the way. The main one of these difficulties is PRICES! Many people get confused with so many different prices offered!



Rent a car for R$39

Low price Unmissable

Rent a car at Localiza for prices starting at R$39.

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Well, we came here to give you a hand and help you get to know some car rental companies that are present throughout Brazil with friendly prices. These prices can fit anyone's budget.

You can pay from R$39.00 and get the best cars of the year to make your trip in peace and safety. If you want to know more, just continue reading and check everything out.

Discover the best offers from R$39.00 at Localiza

aluguel de carro barato
Car in perfect condition? Is here! – Source: Freepik

Localiza offers excellent offers when it comes to renting a car at extremely friendly prices. In today's market, it is very difficult to get discounts in conjunction with a well-provided service. Therefore, for cheap car rental, Localiza is an excellent option.



Rent a car for R$39

Low price Unmissable

Rent a car at Localiza for prices starting at R$39.

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If you always want to get cars of the year from R$39.90 it's worth trying! Within Localiza there are promotions every day, both weekdays and weekends. Of course, in some seasons these promotions increase significantly.

In addition, there are offers that can be completed by users, discount coupons and many other opportunities for renting a cheap car. These benefits and many others can be found here!

Why choose Localiza to rent your car?

The best offers are at Localiza – Source: Localiza

It is literally undeniable that choosing Localiza means choosing a quality service. In addition, there are easy services for those who are in a hurry and need a car quickly even without making a prior reservation.

In addition, it is worth trying out the different insurance policies that, in addition to being cheap, guarantee you an excellent experience. Not to mention that you can find specific discounts for rentals within Brazil.



Rent a car for R$39

Low price Unmissable

Rent a car at Localiza for prices starting at R$39.

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For example, some people who are interested in traveling to a certain place may look at current offers. The most common are usually in Gramado, Rio Quente, Rio de Janeiro and others.

Pets within Localiza are also entitled to exclusive offers for traveling in the car! Well, the offers are so diverse that it’s worth visiting the website and checking out each one.

Rent a car at Localiza now

aluguel de carro barato
Keys in hand, car on the road! – Source: Freepik

If all this interests you, it's time to learn how to rent your car at Localiza. Of course, in a much more summarized way, however, simple and easy to understand. Continue reading:

1 – Choose the reservation date

The first step is to choose the reservation date. Therefore, it is necessary to choose both the date for collecting the car and returning it. Don't forget the schedules, which are extremely important!

Choose the dates – Source: Localiza.

2 – Choose the desired car model

There are several different car models, but of course you need to choose the most comfortable one with the best conditions for your trip! Check all car groups and enjoy.

localiza carro barato
Choose the car – Source: Localiza.

3 – Choose the offer and additional coverage

There are several different prices, and there are additional coverages that you can take advantage of. So it's worth reading carefully and finding out which ones best fit your profile.

See incredible offers – Source: Localiza.

4 – Pay and finish your rental

Ready! Now you have everything, including the amount, to finalize your rental. So, start now to take advantage of and benefit from all the advantages that Localiza offers you.

Pay from R$39.00 on Rentcars with an additional 30% discount

aluguel de carro barato
Take advantage of the advantages – Source: Freepik

Getting a cheap car rental with 30% of additional discounts is even more exciting, isn't it? This is the case with Rentcars, which is offering you the chance to get the car of your dreams for a truly humble price.

Rentcars cars are always in excellent condition and everyone is entitled to their incredible insurance, whether with additional (paid) coverage, or, equally, the free version that comes with the rental.



Rent a car for R$39

Rent a car Low price

Rent your car with 30%OFF at Rentcars and save.

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You pay daily to reserve your car and get the best benefits by using packages, coupons and many other advantages. The company is present throughout Brazil and the world!

If you are going on an international trip this is the best option. Because Rentcars has headquarters in the main locations around the world and in large capitals. Continue reading and find out more, as well as several benefits.

See more about Rentcars and certain benefits

See everything and offers – Source: Freepik

There are benefits exclusive to Rentcars, and you won't easily find benefits like these anywhere. One of them and perhaps the most loved is the fact that they refund the difference in fare if you find a cheaper one!

You can also pay your car rental in up to twelve installments using your credit card! Apart from the card, it is also possible to pay by bank slip or PIX. If you want to pay via Pix or bank slip, you can benefit from an additional 10% of Cashback.



Rent a car for R$39

Rent a car Low price

Rent your car with 30%OFF at Rentcars and save.

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Paying in foreign currencies can be more expensive, due to fees and mainly the IOF of 6.38%. However, Rentcars offers you the opportunity to pay in reais, even if you are abroad!

Finally, it is important to be aware that Rentcars has more than 200 rental companies around the world. These rental companies are ready to help you make the most of their service and exclusive promotions.

How to rent your car on Rentcars

Now that you've seen a little more about Rentcars' offers and benefits, it's time to start renting your car. This task is simple and can be done in person or online. Continue reading!

See Rentcars offers – Source: The insider

1 – Look at the prices

Now that you are going to rent it is important to look at the prices. When you enter the website you will come across several offers and that is the focus!

Rentcars aluguel de carro barato
Choose the best promotion – Source: The insider

2 – Choose the time for return and pick-up

Like all rental companies, now is the time to choose the place and time you want to pick up and/or return your rental car. So, just select the edit icons to define.

It’s time to choose details – Source: The insider

3 – Choose your dream car with 30% OFF and pay

With your 30% OFF and prices starting from R$39.00 you can now take advantage of all the cars offered by Rentcars. Then just create your account the way you prefer and make the payment!

Create your account! – Source: The insider

Did you see how simple it is to take advantage of each benefit offered by these companies? So rent your own car now from R$39.00 and up to 30% OFF.



Rent a car for R$39

Rent a car Low price

Rent your car with 30%OFF at Rentcars and save.

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About the author  /  Beatriz Martinez

Hello, my name is Beatriz and I am a writer passionate about sharing ideas and knowledge through blogs. With years of experience writing for a variety of audiences and niches, my mission is to create relevant and engaging content for my readers!

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