
Social Rent – Discover this benefit!

Social Rent is aid for families who have suffered from public calamities and are socially vulnerable. Find out more about this benefit.


Have you ever thought about having your rent paid by the government? So, you need to know the benefit of Social Rent.

Aluguel Social
Get to know Social Rent and understand how to request yours. Source: Freepik.
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Social Rent is another of the government's cost aids, which aims to help Brazilian families have a more dignified and secure living condition. Aimed mainly at those who have lost their home, this program has been helping several families find a home again.

Having a dignified life is the right of every Brazilian citizen, which is why some help with the cost of housing makes all the difference for families most in need or those affected by catastrophes, for example. If you would like to know more about this aid, continue reading.

Sign up now to receive Social Rent

Discover now everything you need to benefit from Social Rent.

What is the Social Rent benefit?

It is a monthly stipend intended to assist those families who have lost their home. This is a program governed by article six of the constitution, which states that access to housing is a citizen's right. In this sense, this program seeks to alleviate the housing losses suffered by families who have experienced climate disasters, for example.

Social Rent is paid monthly. However, for a specific period only and with the possibility of being extended or not. In other words, this is a temporary benefit that seeks to help families find a permanent home.

This program is very important, mainly to help families who lose everything in floods, in the case of landslides or even the fall of a tree, in heavy rains, which could destroy their house, for example.

Having a home is the right of every Brazilian, and it is the government's duty to guarantee this minimum comfort. Despite this, we know that in practice it is not that simple. That is why this government assistance is so necessary.

Who can benefit from this government assistance?

quem pode receber o aluguel social?
Find out who can benefit from Social Rent. Source: Freepik.

All families who find themselves without decent housing, due to climate disasters, can apply for this aid program. It is important to highlight that this benefit cannot be cumulative for more than one member of the same family, it is delivered to the family composition as a whole.

Furthermore, it is not possible to request this government assistance from the federal and state agency at the same time. This way, you can only be served by one or the other, choosing the one that best suits your needs and possibilities.

Can I use the amount paid by my city council to rent a property in a different city?

Yes! It is possible to rent a house in a city other than the one in which you requested Social Rent assistance. But always remember to check this possibility, the rules may change from city to city. Make sure you know all the conditions in advance so you don't run the risk of losing your aid.

Also, don’t forget to provide your payment receipts with complete information about your rental. When proving the use of the benefit value, it will be extremely important to have all detailed information about your place of residence. Therefore, before renting, explain to the landlord that you are a beneficiary of Social Rent aid and that you need these very detailed proofs.

Which Account+Card can help me receive the Benefit faster? Discover the Carrefour Account + Card!

So that your Social Rent goes into your account super quickly, without any delay, we recommend that you use the Account + Carrefour Card! In addition to being a fee-free digital account from one of the largest banks in Brazil, the Account + Carrefour Card You can release credit limits, such as Credit Cards, loans, overdrafts and other credit options. This will naturally depend on your credit limit, but we recommend that to receive your benefit quickly, you open an account The Account + Carrefour Card!

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What is the amount paid for the Social Rent benefit?

The amount paid for the Social Rent benefit is, primarily, calculated by the value of a popular rent. This means that it can vary from state to state and even between municipalities. However, it can also vary according to family composition and the specific needs of each family served by the program.

auxílio do governo aluguel social
Find out what the amount paid for Social Rent aid is. Source: Freepik.

This happens because the situation of each family is assessed individually. Therefore, the amount paid for this government aid to one family may be different from that paid to another. It all really depends on each specific case. Therefore, it is very important to report your family composition accurately.

But we can mention, for example, an average amount that has been paid in some municipalities in São Paulo. The average popular rental price in this metropolis is R$ 500 to R$ 600 (Five hundred to six hundred reais) depending on the region where you are going to live. But this value may vary, as mentioned, it will be compared to the average price of the city in which you are requesting.

How do I know if this benefit is offered in my city?

To find out if social rent assistance is available in your city, simply go to your city hall and consult an attendant. As this is a program administered by municipalities, this is one of the most efficient ways to find out if you will be able to request your social rent in your city.

You can also search on your city's city hall website, sometimes the notices can be online. But we advise you to contact the city hall in person, as this will give you more assurance that you will be able to request this assistance.

What is the process for requesting this allowance?

As it is a benefit released on an emergency basis, the request takes into account several factors. That's why we created a complete article to instruct you better. Access by clicking on the link below and check out what you need to do to request your Social Rental.

Pay close attention to all the steps, this will help you not to make mistakes when requesting or even using your Social rent benefit.

Sign up now to receive Social Rent

Discover now everything you need to benefit from Social Rent.

About the author  /  Aline Marques

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